I sometimes find books with too little tension boring. So if the plot is low stakes, there needs to be something else to capture my attention. The best romances with low angst create compelling tales in other ways. I’m personally keen on gentle romances that include sex scenes, though I know they’re not for everyone. I also love lived-in worlds full of places you want to explore. Richly drawn characters you want to hang out with and get to know. Vivid details, be they food or fashion, that ignite the senses. And underneath it all, a romance story that unfolds with care. Sometimes it’s not enough simply to know a happy ending is coming. Sometimes, the whole thing needs to be happy. I’ve endeavored to find a wide range of books across sub-genres and levels of explicitness, so you can find your particular happy place within the world of gentle romances. Whether you need more feel-good romance, romances that will elicit laughs, or the very best of the genre, we’re here to help. Like a tall glasses of water for our parched souls, these are the gentle romances we drink to help us face the future with renewed hope.

Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 69Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 68Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 89Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 42Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 33Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 3Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 41Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 6Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 96Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 44Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 45Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 25Love Isn t a Battlefield  13 Gentle  Low Drama Romances - 6