Fiction about sick parents teaches patience, not just for the parent in question but also for oneself. It humanizes the child and takes into consideration their emotional quotient, something that might have gotten excluded from the equation long back. Fiction featuring sick parents definitely can’t shield its readers from life’s punches, but it does help in soldiering through the worst. There is comfort in knowing that even though the day to day mostly feels like waging a war, it also offers its fair share of joys, albeit small and sporadic. If you are in the same boat as the aforementioned protagonists, I hope their stories help you power through the storms. And if you need a little bit of light, please check out this list on books about hope for all ages.

Parenting Your Parent  8 Touching Novels About Ailing Parents - 89Parenting Your Parent  8 Touching Novels About Ailing Parents - 94Parenting Your Parent  8 Touching Novels About Ailing Parents - 47Parenting Your Parent  8 Touching Novels About Ailing Parents - 69Parenting Your Parent  8 Touching Novels About Ailing Parents - 51Parenting Your Parent  8 Touching Novels About Ailing Parents - 30Parenting Your Parent  8 Touching Novels About Ailing Parents - 17Parenting Your Parent  8 Touching Novels About Ailing Parents - 98